Source code for solvation_analysis.plotting

:Authors: Orion Cohen and Lauren Lee
:Year: 2023
:Copyright: GNU Public License v3

The plotting functions are a convenient way to visualize data by taking solutions
as their input and generating a Plotly.Figure object.

from typing import Union, Optional, Any, Callable
from copy import deepcopy

import plotly
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as px

import pandas as pd

from solvation_analysis.solute import Solute
from solvation_analysis.networking import Networking
from solvation_analysis.speciation import Speciation

# single solution
[docs] def plot_network_size_histogram(networking: Union[Networking, Solute]) -> go.Figure: """ Plot a histogram of network sizes. Parameters ---------- networking : Networking | Solution Returns ------- fig : Plotly.Figure """ if isinstance(networking, Solute): if not hasattr(networking, "networking"): raise ValueError("Solute networking analysis class must be instantiated.") networking = networking.networking network_sizes = networking.network_sizes sums = network_sizes.sum(axis=0) total_networks = sums.sum() fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=sums.index, y=sums.values / total_networks)) fig.update_layout( xaxis_title_text="Network Size", yaxis_title_text="Fraction of All Networks", title="Histogram of Network Sizes", template="plotly_white", ) fig.update_xaxes(type="category") return fig
[docs] def plot_shell_composition_by_size(speciation: Union[Speciation, Solute]) -> go.Figure: """ Plot the composition of shells broken down by shell size. Parameters ---------- speciation : Speciation | Solution Returns ------- fig : Plotly.Figure """ if isinstance(speciation, Solute): if not hasattr(speciation, "speciation"): raise ValueError("Solute speciation analysis class must be instantiated.") speciation = speciation.speciation speciation_data = speciation.speciation_data.copy() speciation_data["total"] = speciation_data.sum(axis=1) sums = speciation_data.groupby("total").sum() fig = go.Figure() totals = sums.T.sum() for column in sums.columns: fig.add_trace( go.Bar(x=sums.index.values, y=sums[column].values / totals, name=column) ) fig.update_layout( xaxis_title_text="Shell Size", yaxis_title_text="Fraction of Total Molecules", title="Fraction of Solvents in Shells of Different Sizes", template="plotly_white", ) fig.update_xaxes(type="category") return fig
[docs] def plot_co_occurrence( speciation: Union[Speciation, Solute], colorscale: Optional[Any] = None ) -> go.Figure: """ Plot the co-occurrence matrix of the solute using Plotly. Co-occurrence represents the extent to which solvents occur with each other relative to random. Values higher than 1 mean that solvents occur together more often than random and values lower than 1 mean solvents occur together less often than random. "Random" is calculated based on the total number of solvents participating in solvation, it ignores solvents in the diluent. Args ---- speciation: Speciation | Solution colorscale : any valid argument to Plotly colorscale. Returns ------- fig : plotly.graph_objs.Figure """ if isinstance(speciation, Solute): if not hasattr(speciation, "speciation"): raise ValueError("Solute speciation analysis class must be instantiated.") speciation = speciation.speciation solvent_names = speciation.speciation_data.columns.values if colorscale: colorscale = colorscale else: min_val = speciation.solvent_co_occurrence.min().min() max_val = speciation.solvent_co_occurrence.max().max() range_val = max_val - min_val colorscale = [ [0, "rgb(67,147,195)"], [(1 - min_val) / range_val, "white"], [1, "rgb(214,96,77)"], ] # Create a heatmap trace with text annotations trace = go.Heatmap( x=solvent_names, y=solvent_names[::-1], # Reverse the order of the y-axis labels z=speciation.solvent_co_occurrence.values, # Keep the data in the original order text=speciation.solvent_co_occurrence.round(2).to_numpy(dtype=str), # Keep the text annotations in the original order hoverinfo="none", colorscale=colorscale, ) # Update layout to display tick labels and text annotations layout = go.Layout( title="Solvent Co-Occurrence Matrix", xaxis=dict( tickmode="array", tickvals=list(range(len(solvent_names))), ticktext=solvent_names, tickangle=-30, side="top", ), yaxis=dict( tickmode="array", tickvals=list(range(len(solvent_names))), ticktext=solvent_names, autorange="reversed", ), margin=dict(l=60, r=60, b=60, t=100, pad=4), annotations=[ dict( x=i, y=j, text=str(round(speciation.solvent_co_occurrence.iloc[j, i], 2)), font=dict(size=14, color="black"), showarrow=False, ) for i in range(len(solvent_names)) for j in range(len(solvent_names)) ], ) # Create and return the Figure object fig = go.Figure(data=[trace], layout=layout) return fig
def _make_rectangle(x: float, y: float, color: str) -> dict: """ Create a rectangle shape for Plotly. Parameters ---------- x : float The x-coordinate of the center of the rectangle. y : float The y-coordinate of the center of the rectangle. color : str The color of the rectangle. Returns ------- go.layout.Shape The rectangle shape for Plotly. """ x0 = x - 0.18 y0 = y - 0.43 x1 = x + 0.18 y1 = y + 0.43 h = 0.09 rounded_bottom_left = f" M {x0 + h}, {y0} Q {x0}, {y0} {x0}, {y0 + h}" # rounded_top_left = f" L {x0}, {y1 - h} Q {x0}, {y1} {x0 + h}, {y1}" rounded_top_right = f" L {x1 - h}, {y1} Q {x1}, {y1} {x1}, {y1 - h}" rounded_bottom_right = f" L {x1}, {y0 + h} Q {x1}, {y0} {x1 - h}, {y0}Z" path = ( rounded_bottom_left + rounded_top_left + rounded_top_right + rounded_bottom_right ) return dict( type="path", path=path, line=dict(color=color, width=2), fillcolor=color, layer="between", ) def _get_shell_name(row): result = [] for column, value in row.items(): result.append(f"{column} {value}") return "<br>".join(result)
[docs] def plot_speciation( speciation: Union[Speciation, Solute], shells: int = 6 ) -> go.Figure: """ Plot the solvation shell composition and fraction for the top solvation shells. Parameters ---------- speciation : Speciation or Solute The Speciation or Solute object containing the speciation data. shells : int, optional The number of top solvation shells to plot. Default is 6. Returns ------- fig : plotly.graph_objs.Figure The plot of the solvation shell composition and fraction. """ if isinstance(speciation, Solute): if not hasattr(speciation, "speciation"): raise ValueError("Solute speciation analysis class must be instantiated.") speciation = speciation.speciation # Extract relevant data df = speciation.speciation_fraction.head(shells) fraction_data = df["fraction"] df = df.drop("fraction", axis=1) # Get unique solvents and assign colors solvents = df.columns.tolist() # List of solvents colors = px.colors.qualitative.Plotly # Get a list of Plotly's qualitative colors # If there are more solvents than colors, cycle through the colors again if len(solvents) > len(colors): colors = colors * ( len(solvents) // len(colors) + 1 ) # Repeat color list as needed color_map = dict(zip(solvents, colors)) # Create a color map for solvents # Prepare data for the plot x_vals = [] y_vals = [] solvent_names = [] marker_colors = [] # To store color for each marker shell_names = [] # Process each row to create stacks of points for index, row in df.iterrows(): shell_names.append(_get_shell_name(row)) total_count = 0 for solvent, count in row.items(): for i in range(count): x_vals.append(index) y_vals.append( 0.5 + i + total_count ) # Place each solvent count at different y-levels solvent_names.append(solvent) marker_colors.append( color_map[solvent] ) # Use the dynamically assigned color total_count += count # Create scatter plot of solvent squares, trace1 = go.Scatter( x=x_vals, y=y_vals, mode="markers", marker=dict(size=25, color=marker_colors, opacity=0), # Apply colors to markers text=solvent_names, hoverinfo="text", name="Solvents", legendgroup="solvents", showlegend=False, ) trace2 = go.Scatter( x=df.index, y=fraction_data, mode="lines+markers", name="Fraction", yaxis="y2", line=dict(color="black"), ) # Create the figure with two traces fig = go.Figure(data=[trace1, trace2]) # Add traces for each solvent to create a legend for solvent, color in color_map.items(): fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=[None], y=[None], mode="markers", marker=dict(size=10, color=color), name=solvent, legendgroup="solvents", showlegend=True, ) ) # Add squares with rounded corners on top of the points using the shapes API for x, y, color in zip(x_vals, y_vals, marker_colors): fig.add_shape(**_make_rectangle(x, y, color)) # Update layout fig.update_layout( title="Top Solvation Shell Compositions", xaxis_title="Solvation Shell", # xaxis=dict(tickmode="linear", tick0=0, dtick=1), # Set x-axis ticks to integers xaxis=dict( tickmode="array", tickvals=df.index, ticktext=shell_names, ), yaxis=dict( title="Shell Size", tickmode="array", tickvals=list(range(1, int(max(y_vals)) + 1)), range=[0, max(y_vals) + 1], # Scale the top of the y-axis showgrid=False, side="right", ), yaxis2=dict( title="Shell Fraction", overlaying="y", side="left", range=[0, max(fraction_data) * 1.1], # Scale the fraction axis ), template="plotly_white", margin=dict(l=20, r=20, t=60, b=20), # Add padding to the edges of the plot legend=dict( orientation="h", yanchor="bottom", y=1, xanchor="right", x=1, ), # Add legend at the top ) return fig
[docs] def plot_rdfs( solute: Solute, show_cutoff: bool = True, x_axis_solute: bool = False, merge_on_x: bool = False, merge_on_y: bool = False, ): """ Plot the radial distribution functions (RDFs) of solute-solvent pairs. Parameters ---------- solute : Solute The Solute object containing the RDF data. show_cutoff : bool, optional Whether to display the solvation radius cutoff lines. Default is True. x_axis_solute : bool, optional Whether to place the solute on the x-axis. Default is False. merge_on_x : bool, optional Whether to merge subplots along the x-axis. Default is False. merge_on_y : bool, optional Whether to merge subplots along the y-axis. Default is False. Returns ------- fig : plotly.graph_objs.Figure The plot of the radial distribution functions. """ # Determine the grid dimensions based on merge settings data = solute.rdf_data n_cols = 1 if merge_on_y else len(data) n_rows = 1 if merge_on_x else len(data[list(data.keys())[0]]) x_title, y_title = "Solvent", "Solute" if x_axis_solute: n_rows, n_cols = n_cols, n_rows x_title, y_title = y_title, x_title # Create subplots fig = make_subplots( rows=n_rows, cols=n_cols, shared_xaxes=True, shared_yaxes=True, x_title=x_title, y_title=y_title, ) # Create a color mapping dictionary color_map = {} colors = plotly.colors.qualitative.Plotly # Iterate over the data and add traces to the subplots for i, (key, values) in enumerate(data.items()): for j, (sub_key, sub_values) in enumerate(values.items()): x, y = sub_values col = i * (not merge_on_y) + 1 row = j * (not merge_on_x) + 1 if x_axis_solute: row, col = col, row # Assign a color to the sub-key if not already assigned if sub_key not in color_map: show_legend = True color_map[sub_key] = colors[len(color_map) % len(colors)] else: show_legend = False fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=x, y=y, name=sub_key, line=dict(color=color_map[sub_key]), legendgroup=sub_key, showlegend=show_legend, ), row=row, col=col, ) fig.update_yaxes(title_text=key, row=row, col=1) fig.update_xaxes(title_text=sub_key, row=n_rows, col=col) # Update the layout fig.update_layout( title_text="Radial Distribution Functions of Solute-Solvent Pairs", template="plotly_white", margin=dict( l=100, b=80, ), ) fig.update_annotations(x=0.5, y=-0.05, selector={"text": x_title}) fig.update_annotations(y=0.5, x=-0.03, selector={"text": y_title}) if not (merge_on_x or merge_on_y) and show_cutoff: for col, solute in enumerate(solute.atom_solutes.values()): for row, (solvent, radius) in enumerate(solute.radii.items()): if x_axis_solute: row, col = col, row fig.add_vline( x=radius, row=row, col=col, label=dict( text="solvation radius", textposition="top center", yanchor="top", ), ) return fig
def compare_networking(solutions, series=False): # valid_x_axis = set(["solvent", "solute"]) # assert x_axis in valid_x_axis, "x_axis must be equal to 'solute' or 'solvent'." # x_label = x_label or x_axis # legend_label = legend_label or (valid_x_axis - {x_axis}).pop() property_dict = {} for solute_name, solute in solutions.items(): if not hasattr(solute, "networking"): raise ValueError("Solute networking analysis class must be instantiated.") property_dict[solute_name] = solute.networking.solute_status solvents_to_plot = ["isolated", "paired", "networked"] fig = compare_solvent_dicts( property_dict=property_dict, rename_solvent_dict={}, solvents_to_plot=solvents_to_plot, legend_label="Solute Status", x_axis_solute=True, series=series, ) fig.update_layout( xaxis_title_text="Solute", yaxis_title_text="Solute Status Fraction", title="Fraction of Solutes Isolated, Paired, and Networked", template="plotly_white", ) return fig
[docs] def compare_solvent_dicts( property_dict: dict[str, dict[str, float]], rename_solvent_dict: dict[str, str], solvents_to_plot: list[str], legend_label: str, x_axis_solute: str = False, series: bool = False, ) -> go.Figure: """ A generic plotting function that can compare dictionary data between multiple solutes. Parameters ---------- property_dict : dict of {str: dict} a dictionary with the solution name as keys and a dict of {str: float} as values, where each key is the name of the solvent of each solution and each value is the property of interest rename_solvent_dict : dict of {str: str} Renames solvents within the plot, useful for comparing similar solvents in different solutes. The keys are the original solvent names and the values are the new name e.g. {"EAf" : "EAx", "fEAf" : "EAx"} solvents_to_plot : List[str] List of solvent names to be plotted, they will be plotted in given order. The solvents must be common to all systems in question. Renaming in `rename_solvent_dicts` is applied first, so the solvent names in `solvents_to_plot should match the `values` of that dict. legend_label : str title of legend as a string x_axis : str the value must be "solvent" or "solute" and decides which to plot the x_axis series : bool False for a bar graph, True for a line graph Returns ------- fig : Plotly.Figure """ property_dict = deepcopy(property_dict) # coerce solutions to a common name for solution_name in rename_solvent_dict.keys(): if solution_name in property_dict: common_name = rename_solvent_dict[solution_name] # remove the solution name from the properties dict and rename to the common name solution_property_value = property_dict[solution_name].pop(solution_name) property_dict[solution_name][common_name] = solution_property_value # filter out components of solution to only include those in solvents_to_plot if solvents_to_plot: all_solvents = [ set(solution_dict.keys()) for solution_dict in property_dict.values() ] valid_solvents = set.intersection(*all_solvents) if not set(solvents_to_plot).issubset(valid_solvents): raise Exception( f"solvents_to_plot must only include solvents that are " f"present in all solutes. Valid values are {valid_solvents}." ) for solute_name, solution_dict in property_dict.items(): new_solution_dict = { solvent: value for solvent, value in solution_dict.items() if solvent in solvents_to_plot } property_dict[solute_name] = new_solution_dict # generate figure and make a DataFrame of the data fig = go.Figure() df = pd.DataFrame(data=property_dict.values()) df.index = list(property_dict.keys()) if series and not x_axis_solute: # each solution is a line df = df.transpose() fig = px.line( df, x=df.index, y=df.columns, labels={"variable": legend_label}, markers=True, ) fig.update_xaxes(type="category") elif series and x_axis_solute: # each solvent is a line fig = px.line(df, y=df.columns, labels={"variable": legend_label}, markers=True) fig.update_xaxes(type="category") elif not series and not x_axis_solute: # each solution is a bar df = df.transpose() fig = df, x=df.index, y=df.columns, barmode="group", labels={"variable": legend_label}, ) elif not series and x_axis_solute: # each solvent is a bar fig = df, y=df.columns, barmode="group", labels={"variable": legend_label}, ) return fig
def _compare_function_generator( analysis_object: str, attribute: str, title: str, top_level_docstring: str, ) -> Callable: def compare_func( solutions, rename_solvent_dict=None, solvents_to_plot=None, x_axis_solute=False, series=False, title=title, x_label=None, y_label=attribute.replace("_", " ").title(), legend_label=None, ): x_axis = "solute" if x_axis_solute else "solvent" x_label = x_label or x_axis legend_label = legend_label or x_axis property = {} for solute_name, solute in solutions.items(): if not hasattr(solute, analysis_object): raise ValueError( f"Solute {analysis_object} analysis class must be instantiated." ) property[solute_name] = getattr(getattr(solute, analysis_object), attribute) rename_solvent_dict = rename_solvent_dict or {} fig = compare_solvent_dicts( property, rename_solvent_dict, solvents_to_plot, legend_label.title(), x_axis, series, ) fig.update_layout( xaxis_title_text=x_label.title(), yaxis_title_text=y_label.title(), title=title.title(), template="plotly_white", ) return fig arguments_docstring = """ property_dict : dict of {str: dict} a dictionary with the solution name as keys and a dict of {str: float} as values, where each key is the name of the solvent of each solution and each value is the property of interest rename_solvent_dict : dict of {str: str} Renames solvents within the plot, useful for comparing similar solvents in different solutes. The keys are the original solvent names and the values are the new name e.g. {"EAf" : "EAx", "fEAf" : "EAx"} solvents_to_plot : List[str] List of solvent names to be plotted, they will be plotted in given order. The solvents must be common to all systems in question. Renaming in `rename_solvent_dicts` is applied first, so the solvent names in `solvents_to_plot should match the `values` of that dict. x_axis : str the value must be "solvent" or "solute" and decides which to plot the x_axis series : bool False for a bar graph, True for a line graph x_label : str title of the x-axis y_label : str title of the y-axis title : str title of figure legend_label : str title of legend Returns ------- fig : Plotly.Figure """ compare_func.__doc__ = top_level_docstring + arguments_docstring return compare_func compare_pairing = _compare_function_generator( "pairing", "solvent_pairing", "Fractional Pairing of Solvents", "Compare the solute-solvent pairing.", ) compare_free_solvents = _compare_function_generator( "pairing", "fraction_free_solvents", "Free Solvents in Solutes", "Compare the relative fraction of free solvents.", ) compare_diluent = _compare_function_generator( "pairing", "diluent_composition", "Diluent Composition of Solutes", "Compare the diluent composition.", ) compare_coordination_numbers = _compare_function_generator( "coordination", "coordination_numbers", "Coordination Numbers of Solvents", "Compare the coordination numbers.", ) compare_coordination_vs_random = _compare_function_generator( "coordination", "coordination_vs_random", "Coordination Compare to Random Distribution of Solvents", "Compare the coordination numbers.", ) compare_residence_times_cutoff = _compare_function_generator( "residence", "residence_times_cutoff", "Solute-Solvent Residence Time", "Compare the solute-solvent residence times.", ) compare_residence_times_fit = _compare_function_generator( "residence", "residence_times_fit", "Solute-Solvent Residence Time.", "Compare the solute-solvent residence times.", ) # TODO: work on rdfs; make them tiled # this will have to be implemented post-merge # use iba_small_solutes (will return a solute that has three atom solutes # solvents are on one axis and solutions are on the other def compare_rdfs(solutions, atoms): # can atom groups be matched to solutions / universes behind the scenes? # yes we can use atom.u is universe return